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Current of Life by Viriginia Kravitz

Trusting the Current of Life

(Series Wrap Up)


How is Trust coming into play for you at this time? That’s the question that kicked off this series. As I stated in the introduction, I’ve learned that trust is an essential element of being in the current and that in each opportunity, crisis, and crossroad, the issue of trust is critical.

Let’s recap:

Where Do You Put Your Trust? — Because it significantly influences your choices, it’s important to know where your trust is invested. Consciously placing your trust where you believe it is warranted will give you a sense of calm even when the world around you is upset.

Trusting Your Clarity — Despite the emotional waves you may be feeling now, you don’t need to question a decision you made in the light.

Trust the Timing — Trust yourself to make the best decisions you can, to take courageous steps, and to let the rest unfold in perfect timing.

Trust the Path — Keep going, guided by what you’ve learned and know to be true, what is revealed along the way, and what feels right to you now.

A Final Lesson

You may recall that the idea to bring you a collection of articles on the topic of Trust came from weeks of quiet reflection at my mother’s bedside. I’m very grateful to tell you that when she passed away on a Tuesday afternoon in early March, it was both peaceful and beautiful. To have been present with each of my parents during their final moments is something I treasure deeply.

In my Facebook tribute, I referred to my mother as “a teacher to the end.” Despite being compromised by Alzheimer’s, she taught me a final lesson about the connection between Trusting, Being Strong, and Letting Go.

Trust has a transformative effect. It turns:

Weakness into Strength
Surrender into Victory
Confinement into Freedom
Sorrow into Joy
Endings into Beginnings.

A Daily Practice

Sometimes it’s easier to trust during life’s more profound experiences. Yet Trust is also the ultimate daily habit, mindfulness practice, and decision-making aid. It brings you right to the present moment which is where your power is.

By no means passive, trusting opens more possibilities than you can recognize if you’re too busy gripping. Next time you catch yourself worrying or fighting the current, check where you’re placing your trust and re-align.

Trusting the current of life is a powerfully graceful way to move.

This Week’s Call To Action:

  • What would Trusting the Current of Life make possible for you?

photo of Ginny's mom Grace Mangano

In memory of my mother,
Grace Mangano
January 5, 1925 to March 8, 2016

Four years ago and shortly after my father died, in the article All is Well, I stated that Tony inspired a good deal of content for this ezine. It seems my mother has as well. Here for your enjoyment and inspiration are a few of the articles inspired by Grace:

It’s Okay, Keep Going
A Big Move
A Good Day
Go, Go, Go!
The Presence of Joy

See you in the current,
Ginny Kravitz's signature

photo of Ginny Kravitz Current of Life is a free ezine for accomplished professionals who want to move forward with clarity and confidence in their careers and lives. Each issue provides practical guidance and inspiration to navigate the important decisions of your life. Look for Current of Life in your inbox every other Tuesday. You'll also have exclusive access to subscriber-only opportunities such as teleclasses, call-in days, program previews, and Current Conversations, a quarterly community call for subscribers.

Learn more about my unique approach which incorporates the Five Stages of Living in the Current.

© 2016, Virginia M. Kravitz and In the Current®. All Rights Reserved.
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